Give a talk on the computer conference China 2017





Developing a network theory of brain function via a columnar connectome.

To understand the principles underlying brain function, we must develop a systematic understanding of how information is routed from one area to another. What are the mathematics of 2D-2D transforms? What are the possible routes, the hubs, the basic topologies. How many processing stages are necessary and sufficient between sensory input stage and final output stage? How does brain function change when information is channeled through a different path or when normal paths are not available such as in disease? Our goal is to collect extensive brain network datasets and then develop a topological understanding of these networks. In this way, we may arrive at a mathematics of brain function 

The monkey connectome data we are collecting will provide multiple examples of types of inter-areal and intra-areal connectivity patterns. We will use the word 'network' to refer to these patterns. Network parameters to be examined will include: size of cortical area (number of total modules in area), number of module types (e.g. color, orientation), number of modules in network, geometry of the network (e.g. anisotropy, topology), convergence and divergence between areas. 'Small world' and graph theory approaches will be used. Particular attention will be paid to whether there are canonical (from a topological viewpoint) connection patterns across topographic location (e.g. central to peripheral vision), sensory modalities (e.g. vision, touch) and across hierarchical levels (e.g. early visual vs higher order visual areas). One compelling question is whether there are only a few topologies that explain all connection patterns. If so, this approach could make predictions for areas whose functional organizations are not understood. 


System neural and cognitive science research institutereturn


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